Discover Your Earth Savvy Style- Take the Earth Quiz


Let the magic begin

E.O. Worth

Service to the Earth drives my passion to write, compost, and  connect with animals as an animal communicator. You’re in the right place if you care about the earth, and all beings who live on the planet, even the creepy crawlers! Lol. 

If you read YA and middle grade stories you’re in good company. I’ve written eco fiction adventure stories to harmonize humans with our natural world on Earth. Each one of us has the power to impact the future of the planet; help heal, and regenerate the earth, we simply have to shift our paradigm. Each story I write promotes ingenuity and often highlight solutions to current environmental woes.

My adventurous spirit climbed cherry trees, with my brothers in the country; and my sensitive self planted lilac bushes  in the city with my mom.

What ideas do you have to regenerate the climate so you can be a force of nature too! Would you plant flowers to attract bees, or simply beautify areas in your yard, neighborhood or town so everyone can benefit from and enjoy the earth’s bounty!

Eco-fiction adeventure readers that you are, be sure to look for the links in the back of each book. The links will take you to organizations who have a mission on the earth. For example, in the Series, The Secret Realm Gaia School of Awakening, soil health is a major theme. The B Corp company Kiss the Ground is featured there.

Each barefoot on the cool grass makes me feel connected to the Earth and brings joy to my being. Unique moments, like practicing sunrise yoga on the beach keeps my heart joyful. I’m inviting you to join Words of Worth to receive the newsletter all about events, book release dates, and get cool short stories in your inbox that can help inspire you or kids to have fun, while they get savvy with the earth! The monthly newsletter allows me to be remembered but not in a weird spammy way (no one likes that…yuck! ). One exception. You’ll get messages daily, if there’s a new book on the way, but only for a week or two before the launch…yippy!